Friday, July 5, 2013

best skin care products for women in 30s with acne - Adult Female Acne - Three Hormonal Causes and Three Hormonal Solutions

Many women suffer from acne at the age of 30 or 40 or even 50! If you are one of them, you may or may not have had acne as a teenager. It may just be a problem in your adult years. You have probably talked to several doctors about it, have been given prescriptions of various sorts, have tried many skin care products all purporting to help with acne, yet you still have pimples on your face right now (and probably a few deep cystic ones, too). You are likely convinced that it has something to do with your hormones and have suggested that its hormonal to several doctors including a dermatologist or two. They may have even agreed with you, but didn't give you any hormonal solutions other than antibiotics and expensive prescription skin creams that dried your skin but didn't control your acne.If this is your story - don't give up! I believe that adult female acne is almost always hormonal to some degree, and consequently, there are hormonal solutions to this vexing problem. Here are three different ways that hormone imbalance can cause acne - each with its own unique remedy.1. Progesterone deficiency - if your acne cycles with your menstrual period (usually you break out with acne mostly in the 1-2 weeks before your period) and if you also suffer from some degree of PMS, then your acne is most likely due to progesterone deficiency. This is also the most common form of hormonal acne for women over 50 (your ovaries stop producing progesterone with menopause). Progesterone has a protective effect on your skin. If you don't have enough, you will product more oils, more oils will clog your pores, and clogged pores result in acne - usually the deep cystic kind. The solution - take natural progesterone for three weeks of your cycle each month. Note that synthetic relatives of progesterone, such as Provera or medroxyprogestin, do not help acne and in fact can make it worse. Birth control pills usually worsen this type of acne because they contain synthetic relatives of progesterone.2. Testosterone excess - this is a common cause of acne in younger adult females (20s and 30s). Either your ovaries produce too much testosterone or your skin produces too much of a testosterone derivative called DHT (dihydrotestosterone). Generally this type of acne will occur through your entire cycle, is often associated with oily skin and unwanted facial hair, and commonly (but not always) can affect the chest and back. The solution - a DHT blocking medicine called Spironolactone taken orally is very effective for this type of acne and is my first choice. Birth control pills can also help with this type of acne, but I only recommend these if you also need birth control (due to other unwanted side effects.)3. Stress and Cortisol excess - many of you may have noticed that your acne gets worse at times of stress. This is also a hormonal form of acne. Stress causes your adrenal glands to produce a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol causes acne. This type of acne usually only lasts as long as your stress lasts. But many of you probably suffer from chronic stress and can consequently suffer from chronic stress-induced acne. The solution - exercise is the best cortisol-reducing stress management treatment. There is also a natural supplement called Phosphotidyl Serine that can help lower your cortisol. And I encourage at least 64oz of water consumption daily to help modulate the effects of cortisol on your body.What about Antibiotics for adult acne (since they are commonly prescribed for this problem)? Often women will take them for months and months on end to keep their acne under control. And indeed, they often do work. But they are merely a Band-aid. They do not address the underlying hormonal problem. Its better to address the hormonal problem directly and save antibiotics for times of more serious infections while avoiding potential antibiotic side effects.Hormonal acne is quite easy to identify. A combination of acne history, menstrual history, and hormone testing (I prefer testing hormone levels with saliva) can almost always identify your particular hormonal issue. Once identified, treatment is inexpensive and effective, though it can take 6-8 weeks to achieve control. Click To Read More About best skin care products for women in 30s with acne

best skin care products for rosacea and acne - Treating Acne Rosacea

What is Acne Rosacea?Acne rosacea and acne are not the same thing, although they are often confused as being one and the same. The signs and symptoms can overlap but with acne rosacea there are no blackheads. Like with regular acne, pustules and papules are present but with rosacea there is an accompanying facial redness and dilated blood vessels.Both men and women in the 30-50 age group are susceptible to this skin condition. It has been noted that while the incidence is more prevalent in women, the severity with men is usually greater. Care must be taken to avoid alcohol, spicy foods, extreme temperature and exposure to sunlight as these can aggravate the condition.Currently, doctors do not know the exact mechanisms behind this disorder other than the fact that the sebaceous glands and blood vessels are involved.Who Gets Acne Rosacea?Those with fair skin and blush easily are at highest risk for developing this disorder. Doctors believe that acne rosacea may have a genetic component, with Northern and Eastern Europeans being the highest risk group.The bad news is that acne rosacea can not be cured. The good news is that with proper treatment it can be controlled and no one ever need know that you suffer from this skin disorder! Left untreated, redness persists and skin becomes ruddier. Bumps and pimples can develop and the nose can become misshapen due to excess tissue. This severe side effect is most notable in older men.Acne Rosacea In Darker SkinAlthough not nearly as common, acne rosacea can occur in those with darker skin. Some 4% of Hispanics, 2.3% of Asians and 2% of African Americans are known to have this skin condition. However it is often mistaken for regular acne or dermatitis.Signs And Symptoms Of Acne Rosacea Facial flushing and blushing Dilated blood vessels Persistent facial redness that lingers and looks like a sunburn Bumps and pimples Absence of blackheads Irritated eyes with red swollen eyelids - this is known as ocular rosacea Facial swelling For the most part, acne rosacea always includes at least one of the following primary signs: Persistent redness (sunburn like) Bumps and papules ( pimples) Dilated blood vessels that are visible Facial flushing Common secondary signs and symptoms are:- Irritated Eyes Burning or stinging Dryness Plaques Thickening of skin Swelling Signs beyond the face Conventional Treatment For Acne RosaceaSince signs and symptoms vary from person to person treatment needs to be customized. Oral or topical antibiotics can be used to control the situation Antibiotics work by reducing inflammation Antibiotic treatment must be continued to maintain results Lasers can be used to remove redness and blood vessels Lifestyle factors that worsen the patient's symptoms must be identified and avoided. Natural Treatment Options A Chrysanthemum indicum cream of 1% applied topically improved acne rosacea symptoms much greater than a placebo. A combination of Milk Thistle and MSM (methylsulfonymethane) applied topically proved to be effective after a one month period in a controlled study. Niacinamide topicals are promising as a possible treatment solution. However more studies need to be done in order to confirm this. A cream made with green tea may also be beneficial. Green tea is a natural anti inflammatory and is great for reducing redness. Caring For Your Skin Reduce the number of beauty products that you use. Aim for those that can multi task. Always test a product before using. Place a small amount behind the ear or on the inner forearm. Only use a product when there are no reactions of any kind. Look for fragrance free and allergy tested products. Note down any unusual reactions as rosacea irritants will vary by individual Use only luke warm water ( too hot or cold will aggravate rosacea symptoms) Alcohol, witch hazel, fragrance, menthol, peppermint and eucalyptus oil can be harsh on the skin and should be avoided. Click To Read More About best skin care products for rosacea and acne

best skin care products for oily acne prone skin - Oily Acne Prone Skin Care

Taking care of oily skin is not as complicated as most people think it is, all it needs is a regular skin regimen using the skin care products specific to oily skin. It starts with a basic cleaning, toning and moisturizing skin care routine.When it comes to cleansing you need to use the kind of cleanser that will deeply cleanse the pores and take away any excess oils from your skin. It will help if you choose a cleanser that is specifically meant for oily skin. When it comes to toners oily skin works best with astringents.Many people have the misguided idea that people with oily skin do not need moisturizers; they do and the only the thing to watch out for is that they must be light on the skin and non comodogenic. It's best if they are oil free and water based because oily skin is very efficient at producing its own oil supply so adding extra will only result in skin problems.Oily acne prone skin needs more care as you need to concentrate on using products that are made to deal with the acne and help to clear any pimples. When cleaning oily acne prone skin you need to be gentle to avoid aggravating the skin condition. For this reason the use of exfoliating products should be avoided as they not only aggravate the situation but may also cause scarring as well.When it comes to oily acne prone skin care if you decide to use make up then its best if you use oil free make up and keep to products that are light on the skin and are non comodogenic so as not to block the skin pores. With oily acne prone skin there is no option of not cleaning your skin diligently especially before going to bed. The cleansing routine should also involve removing all make up as leaving any trace of it on the skin will only result in bad spots the following day.In spite of the effort to keep oils from the oily acne prone skin care regimen there are some good oils for oily skin care. A good example is coconut oil which is greatly valued for its ability to deeply moisturize the skin; added to this it is also considered to be great for the treatment of acne because it contains powerful ant bacterial properties.An example of good oil for oily skin care is lemon grass oil. It's an essential oil that is very good for oily acne prone skin since it helps in treating acne as well as dealing with any scars caused by acne. Another great essential oil is lavender oil and it is valued for its anti bacterial properties that are valuable in oily acne prone skin care. It is very good at it has effective anti septic properties that help in eliminating bacteria on the acne prone skin.We also have tea tree oil that may be slow in working but nevertheless is great for treatment of oily acne prone skin and has fewer side effects as well. It has the exceptional ability of being able to soothe the skin while having powerful antibacterial properties.There is jojoba oil which is valued for its similarity to skin sebum which means it has less chances of clogging your skin if used in moderation. Apart from having an astringent effect it also offer some little sun protection. It's a bit heavy which means it must be applied in small quantities as it also spreads easily on skin.When it comes to using oils on oily acne prone skin the only thing to know is that you have to take the time to find the one that is right for your skin. If your skin is highly irritated then keep of the oils as they will just interfere with your skins efforts to heal and end up causing more problems.With essential oils it's good to watch out as some of them may cause problems if used at full strength. For this reason don't just assume they are safe and use whatever quantity you want, always take time to read the label carefully. Also observe you skins reaction to them and if you notice any irritation desist from using them. Most people think that essential oils are mild and harmless but even as they are, different skins react to different things and so it's good to be observant while using them. During pregnancy it's best to stop the use of essential oils as they have been known to cause problems. Click To Read More About best skin care products for oily acne prone skin

best skin care products for mild acne - The Best Acne Treatment Alternatives

Acne is probably one of the most common skin and beauty concerns that almost every individual will experience. But its appearance or proliferation will differ from one person to another. Some people are lucky to experience mild or unnoticeable acne concerns but there are also those who are suffering from severe acne problems. The good news is that there are now several acne treatment alternatives that are proven effective in preventing and totally eliminating this skin concern.When trying to treat acne, the solutions you could choose can be divided into two categories; the use of over-the-counter or prescribed medication, and, the all-natural acne solutions or treatments.Medical alternatives Applying benzoyl peroxide. When it comes to the medical alternatives, benzoyl peroxide is one of the top suggestions of doctors. This chemical compound is both an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. It kills the bacteria which causes the growth of acne. Salicylic Acid. Included in the conventional acne treatment is the application of salicylic acid. This mild acid solutions helps remove that excess oil as well all the dirt including dead skin cells which clog your pores. This is done by peeling off the outer layer of the skin. Sulfur. Because acne is essentially an excess oil concern, the best treatment is to keep your facial skin dry and oil-free. Sulfur is just the right formula to do this job. Aside from absorbing all the excess facial oil created by the sebaceous glands, it also helps in drying and eventually clearing out pimples. Oral or topical retinoids. Retinoids are formulated to control that excessive oil production of the sebaceous glands and they also prevent the buildup of dead skin cells on the skin's hair follicles. Antibiotics. If all the other acne treatments or solutions are deemed ineffective, the doctor might eventually prescribe the use of antibiotics. Antibiotics can help if the severe acne concern already escalates to an infection or bacterial problem. Laser therapy or treatment. The cosmetic industry has also its own alternative, the use of laser heat or energy. A laser treatment also aims in controlling the hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands. Natural alternatives in treating acne Tea-tree oil. Tea-tree oil helps treat acne through its antibacterial properties. The oil targets the bacteria that trigger the production of acne and pimples. The efficacy of this natural solution is often compared to that of benzoyl peroxide only that the results last longer. Apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. The main purpose of washing or rubbing your face with these acids or citrus juices is to clean out the dirt lying on your skin pores that contributes to the buildup of acne or pimples. Honey. Honey can be considered as an ancient acne treatment alternative. Its antibacterial properties have been widely used to solve several skin concerns since the time of the early Egyptians. Clean and dry up your face regularly. Most of the time, the simple regimen of cleaning, washing, and drying up the facial skin is more than enough to clear out acne and maintain that pimple-free skin. Exercise and sweating helps. Did you know that sweating greatly helps? When you sweat, you are actually excreting all those oil and dirt which lie and pile up on your pores. So if you're not fond of exercising, it's the best time to start. Reduce stress. Lifestyle changes and reducing stress is also one of the best and free acne treatment alternatives. This is because stress and unhealthy lifestyle are among the causes and contributors of acne or pimples. Click To Read More About best skin care products for mild acne

best skin care products for men acne - Best Acne Treatment For Men - How To Cure Your Acne

When contemplating an acne treatment for men, you will want to select one that keeps the hair follicles open and clean. You'll want to select a cleanser that will also exfoliate the skin. This should be the first line of defense in your fight against adult male acne.BEST ACNE INGREDIENTSWhen selecting products you will want to check to be sure they contain ingredients known for their exfoliating and cleansing properties. Some of these ingredients are:Salicylic acid is also known as methyl salicylate. Use this every day and you will find that it helps to unclog the pores. This ingredient is not only an antiseptic, but also an antimicrobial which provides skin-sloughing. It is less irritating to the skin than alpha hydroxy products and provides equal results.Glycolic acid is another ingredient that is an excellent exfoliator. However, a person might notice a mild irritation to the skin. It is best to start using a low percentage of this ingredient and gradually work up to the higher percentages and more frequent use.Benzoyl peroxide is great at destroying bacteria, which can get into the hair follicles and ultimately trigger an infection. However, for some this ingredient can be too drying and cause irritation and redness. Therefore, proceed slowly.Sulfacetamide, which is antibacterial in nature and sulfur products in higher doses than is available in over-the-counter-products, might also be prescribed to help control acne breakouts. Sulfur encourages the exfoliation of dead skin cells, which helps to keep pores from becoming blocked.All of these ingredients are found in various acne treatments which focus on achieving similar results. Some will help to stabilize the skin's production of oil, which may reduce the outbreaks of pimples, along with the clogging of the skin's pores. Others will help to exfoliate the skin, which in turn will lessen the chance of the pores becoming clogged. In addition, they will also increase and encourage the production of new epidermal cellular growth. Lastly, they will aid in warding off infection, along with decreasing the irritation and inflammation of the pores.ACNE FACIALS AND MENAnother great acne treatment for men involves facials. Depending upon your available funds, you could opt to give yourself a weekly facial and have an esthetician give you a professional one once a month or every other month. Ultimately, the important thing is that you institute facials on a regular basis. Acne facials focus upon deep cleansing and extracting the impactions in the hair follicles and they are a great augmentation to a regular skin care routine.ACNE TREATMENT FOR MEN CONCLUSIONBe prepared in that no matter the acne treatment that you select, chances are you will not notice much improvement for 1-2 months. The majority of acne treatments don't treat the actual blemishes, but rather are geared at preventing breakouts in the future. Thus, it will ultimately take a little bit of time for the acne to heal.Once your skin clears, you'll need to continue your skin care regime in order to avoid future breakouts. Be sure to cleanse your face twice a day with a gentle facial cleanser. Just be sure that the moisturizers along with other facial products, such as after-shaves and sunscreens, are water-based and oil-free. Click To Read More About best skin care products for men acne

best skin care products for hormonal acne - Best Acne Products for Cystic Acne Treatment

With the aisles full of acne products claiming to be the best, it's no wonder so many people have a hard time choosing the right one for them. Acne affects an estimated 90 percent of all people at one point or another during their lives. Although it's typically seen in the teenage years, it can affect people during their 20s, 30s and even 40s. Some people even suffer with some form of acne later in their lives. While the cause of acne is the sebaceous glands producing an excess of the oily sebum, people may experience this overproduction due to several different reasons including hormonal changes, stress, or even touching their face too often. When trying to find the best acne product for you, sometimes it's best to also find out what's causing the flare ups in your acne problem. If you are constantly touching your face with your fingers, if you sweat excessively during strenuous exercise or if you're stressed out, you may have a hard time finding a product that will take care of the whole problem -- or worse, you may clear up your acne for just a short time and the cause for your flare ups will happen again and you'll be in the same position.Sebum Sebum is the oily substance that your sebaceous glands produce to lubricate both the hairs and hair follicles. Acne is caused when your sebaceous glands, for reasons not quite understood, produce excess sebum. The excess sebum then combines with dead skin cells, dirt and debris on your face which clogs the pores and creates a lesion, i.e. whiteheads, blackheads, cysts or pustules. Sebum is the cause of the acne; stress, sweating and other factors simply add to it or aggravate it. As of now, there isn't a true way to prevent the excessive sebum production, only ways to treat it.Hormonal EffectsHormonal changes seem to be a leading cause of acne for many people. For teenagers, both male and female, the body is going through many changes, especially hormonal. Breakouts during the teen years are often what people think of when acne comes to mind. Many women experience breakouts related to their menstrual cycle, another major hormonal occurrence. Pregnancy and menopause may also cause fluctuations in the amount of sebum your body is producing.Birth ControlIf you're a woman and have acne flare ups related to hormonal swings, you may be able to help combat your acne with the use of birth control. Many birth control medications tout their acne-helping benefits as a major claim for their product. It works because it helps moderate your hormonal changes. Birth control may be your best option, but is definitely one that you need to discuss with your physician prior. Birth control comes with many side effects that your body may not be able to handle.StressStress doesn't necessarily cause your acne, but studies are showing that it can make them worse. Studies were conducted with college students and results found that the students had more flare-ups, or breakouts, during stressful times such as exam week. Stress and anxiety can also make you subconsciously touch your face more. Picking at your skin is a common anxiety-triggered action, and if you have a pimple, you're more likely to start picking there than somewhere else.Treating Your Stress Unfortunately, you can't take an anti-anxiety or anti-stress medication that also treats your acne. Stress isn't the cause of your acne, it simply accelerates it. You can, however, use medications or stress-relieving methods to help reduce your chances of a breakout -- or causing one to get worse.Active Ingredients Unfortunately, you're going to have a tough time deciding between the many brands and products out there touting claims to be the "best acne solution ever." Many of the products have the same active ingredient, as well as most of the same inactive ingredients. It may come down to a trial-and-error process to see what works for you. If you've been using products with benzoyl peroxide as the active ingredient, maybe you should try a product that uses salicylic acid as their active ingredient. Other common active ingredients include sulfur and resorcinol. One product may work for you where others have failed. Everybody reacts differently to drugs and treatments, acne products are no different. What worked for your best friend may not work at all on your skin. Most of the active ingredients are naturally occurring.Benzoyl Peroxide Benzoyl peroxide is found in over-the-counter medications and face products, and also as a prescription to treat acne. In over-the-counter products, you'll typically find a percentage of 1- to 2-percent benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide kills bacteria and also helps dry out the excess sebum on your face and skin. Benzoyl peroxide can severely irritate skin and you should never use it in combination with other harsh ingredients.Salicylic Acid You will often find products containing salicylic acid as wipes or facial cloths, although this is not always the case. You can also find salicylic acid in creams, lotions and gels. Salicylic acid works by reducing the amount of cells your skin sheds and also breaks down whiteheads and blackheads.Sulfur and Resorcinol Resorcinol is often combined with sulfur in anti-acne medications and products. Sulfur peels and dries out your skin; resorcinol and sulfur both break down existing blemishes.More Natural Products and Home Remedies There are a number of pure, natural ingredients that have been used to treat acne -- and other conditions -- for hundreds and even thousands of years. Witch hazel, tea tree oil, olive oil, azelaic acid, alpha-hydroxy acids, zinc, lavender and brewer's yeast are all natural remedies for acne. Aspirin is an over-the-counter home remedy that is also used with great success in many users. Many of these products are the essential oils from their namesake plants, while others are simply extracts. Some, still, are found in various other naturally occurring items and are extracted in other ways. Witch hazel is a common drugstore staple and is the extract of the witch hazel shrub. It has many uses aside from acne. Tea tree oil contains antibacterial properties that may aid in clearing your acne -- although it will worsen the symptoms of rosacea. You can buy pure tea tree oil in many groceries, health and drug stores, however, the pure tea tree oil can irritate your skin.If you've never used it, you should mix it with base oil at first. Olive oil, like tea tree oil, has many uses aside from the more typical culinary ones. Olive oil has long been used to soften and cleanse the skin. Azelaic acid occurs naturally in whole-grain foods and animal products. According to the May Clinic, azelaic acid creams show to be just as effective as more conventional acne treatments -- including benzoyl peroxide. Alpha-hydroxy acids are not uncommon and are found naturally in acidic foods such as citrus fruits. These acids work by removing dead skin cells and unclogging pores. Zinc helps reduce inflammation, a common symptom in many types of acne lesions. Brewer's yeast, although not proven, seems to be an ingredient that decreases acne. Lavender oil, the essential oil of the lavender plant, treats acne and other skin conditions when applied topically. Aspirin has long been used to treat inflammation, and a topical paste is now a popular home remedy for treating acne. The paste is made from finely crushed aspiring mixed with water, olive oil or another liquid. Many users see the inflammation in their pustules or papules go down almost immediately.Choosing Even after learning about the different active ingredients found in many over-the-counter washes, soaps, creams, lotions and other products, you may still have a hard time choosing. If your skin is sensitive, you want something that's not too irritating -- or at least something in a less-harsh formula. For example, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and tea tree oil can all be harsh on the skin. Using a product with a lower percentage, or one that's mixed with other, soothing ingredients may help you out without irritating your skin and causing pain. If you have problems with dead and dry skin, you may try an exfoliating wash that gently scrubs. If you have dry skin, something that moisturizes may be in order, such as olive oil. Since your skin is different than other people, you're going to need to find a product that suits both your acne and your other skin issues.Bottom LineWhenever you decide to try out a new product, always give it time to work before giving up. Try a new product for at least two weeks unless you have adverse reactions such as irritation, redness or burning. Click To Read More About best skin care products for hormonal acne

best skin care products for dry acne prone skin - Dry Skin Acne Treatment - 12 Tips For Dry Skin With Acne

Some people believe that only people with oily skin get acne This isn't true. People with all skin types can get acne If you are looking for a dry skin acne treatment or tips for dry skin with acne then this article will really help. Here are 12 tips to help you manage your dry acne prone skin.1. Try Tea Tree on acne Tea tree oil can kill acne causing bacteria and it usually does not cause any irritation. If you are wondering about Tea Tree oil cost, it is very inexpensive. You can purchase it for about $10.2. Eat more fruits and vegetables. They are good for your skin and are rich in vitamins and minerals. This can help you maintain your complexion and can help prevent acne breakout.3. Use Aloe Vera gel for acne It is a very good natural remedy for dry acne prone skin. It is very calming and contains lots of nutrients that are good for your skin. It also helps accelerate the healing process. Don't forget aloe vera for acne scars. Treat yourself to an aloe vera acne mask for 20 minutes!4. Look for a moisturizer containing petrolatum and glycerin or Vitamin E.5. Try Vitamin E for acne Attack dryness from the inside out by taking vitamin E supplements.6. Wash your face with cool water and a Cetaphil dry skin cleanser. This is an over the counter cleanser that treats dryness from acne medications. If you are wondering where to buy Cetaphil, you can go to your local drugstore.7. Avoid hot showers and baths to reduce the loss of your skin's natural oils and emollients.8. Avoid soap to clear acne Soap is drying and irritates the skin.9. Gently cleanse your face twice a day to get rid of dead skin cells that can cause blocked pores on your skin.10. Use OTC Benzoyl Peroxide sparingly and always use a moisturizer afterwards. Remember, Benzoyl Peroxide products are very drying.11. Wear sunscreen. Sunscreens for acne prone skin can also be purchased.12. Drink plenty of water. Water clears acne and also hydrates. Keep the temperature down in the winter to control your humidity level and wear more clothes to keep warm. This will help you save money and will keep your skin from getting as dry. Click To Read More About best skin care products for dry acne prone skin